Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like? Does it really matter as long as you don't end up in "the other place"?
It's an interesting question. I was recently asked in a survey, the following question, "What if we are wrong, what if Hinduism or some other religion is right and we are wrong?"
Rather than do an exhaustive study on world religions, I want to ask four simple questions:
- Do they state that what they believe is true?
- What do they base their views on?
- What is their view of this life?
- What is their view of the next life?
You would not think you would have to ask if they believe that what they say is true but if they believe that all truth is relative then they leave themselves no room to be "Right" about heaven:)
We are going to look at question four tonight: "What is their view of the next life". "Upon what do they base their beliefs" and "What is their view of this life" are probably the more important question so this is just part one of a three part study.
Pastor Bryan
Presentation on the next life