Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork:)

Have you ever stared up into the sky on a dark night and marveled as you looked into the milky way? 

For generations the moon has captivated the young and the old. Songs have been written and imaginations have been stirred.

But what does the Bible say about the moon?

Read on to find out:)

God Bless you all real good as you seek to represent Him in all you do!!

Presentation on the moon.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wicca - A Pagan Religion

Witchcraft has been around since at least the time of Moses at which point it was very well established but there are good reasons to believe that the Tower of Babel may have had something to do with Astrology. The Wiccan religion has only been around since the 1940's but it is one of the more prevalent forms of Witchcraft today.

It is also on the rise and is gaining in numbers rapidly. What is the truth about Wicca and what does the Bible have to say about it?

This presentation will at least give you some basic information.

God Bless you all real good!

Wicca Presentation

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jehovah's Witnesses - Men of God or a Cult?

Jehovah's Witnesses - A cult that believes that Jesus was created by God and is not actually God Himself but "a god."

I received this pamphlet on my doorstep this week. They show up occasionally and I usually throw them away but I decided to share it with you all this time.

I worked in a factory in California for 8 and a half years and the population of the factory was about 10% JW's. That's about 50 out of 500 people. We worked 12 hours shifts around the clock so I have spent many nights alongside a Jehovah Witness talking about religion.

After 8 and a half years I have come to the conclusion that there is only one thing really worth speaking to them about, John chapter one. They believe that Jesus was created by God and is not God Himself. In fact you really have to use their own version of the Bible called the "New World Translation" in order to believe their doctrines.

They have a headquarters in Brooklyn NY where they have men who "correctly" interpret the Bible as the common man does not have the ability to do so.

My presentation this time is a short collection of some YouTube videos on the subject and then the text of John 1:1-5, 14 in the New World Translation and also the New King James Version.

The end of the story here is, don't get caught up talking to JW's about baptism, the Trinity, end times prophecy or any other non-vital subject.

If they don't believe that Jesus is God then nothing else matters!

Here is the link to the presentation: Jehovah Witnesses - a non-christian cult.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Eugenics and Margaret Sanger - The mother of Planned Parenthood

A Swastika?!? Is there a connection between Margaret Sanger and Nazi Germany?
This may seem a little extreme but there is quite a bit of evidence that Adolph Hitler was actually inspired by the Eugenics research that was being done in America at the time. In fact at one time 27 states in America had Eugenics related laws on the books. Some people were sterilized to ensure they did not reproduce while others were institutionalized as unfit to be regular society. The supposed "science" of Eugenics was also in large part the justification for the murder of millions of innocent victims during the 1930's and 40's.

Here is a excerpt from Wikipedia:

Eugenics is the "applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population", usually referring to human populations. Eugenics was widely popular in the early decades of the 20th century, The laws aimed at limiting immigration of Italians, Jews, Irish, Blacks, Chinese, as well as others, were understood by many to be racist. Instead, eugenics became a pseudo-scientific basis for carrying out this racist program.

Margaret Sanger was admittedly an avowed atheist and also someone who believed strongly in Eugenics, the "science" of creating a better race of people by limiting who gets to have children. Adolph Hitler shared these beliefs but took it a few steps further.

In this presentation we take a closer look at the founder of planned parenthood and get an idea of what her motivations were when she campaigned for birth control.

Some of today's pictures are taken from Nazi Germany and are a bit graphic in nature. Also, some statements in the videos content are not substantiated by footnotes or references but are taken from Margaret Sanger's extensive writings. I apologize in advance if any info has been misrepresented, but if you bring me your concerns I will do the homework to find the proper documentation.

God Bless you all real good this week:)


Margaret Sanger

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Test your Worldview

Do you have a "Christian Worldview"? In other words, do you look at all aspects of life through a biblical perspective?

Brannon Howse, author of "Grave Influences: 21 Radicals and their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave", has designed an online test that helps you grade your "Christian Perspective". I am including this link so you can see for yourself.

Be honest and don't feel bad if you score lower than you think you should. The 21 radicals that Brannon writes about are very good at what they do and they have been around for quite sometime.

Have fun:)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What will Heaven be like?

Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like? Does it really matter as long as you don't end up in "the other place"?

It's an interesting question. I was recently asked in a survey, the following question, "What if we are wrong, what if Hinduism or some other religion is right and we are wrong?"

Rather than do an exhaustive study on world religions, I want to ask four simple questions:
  1. Do they state that what they believe is true?
  2. What do they base their views on?
  3. What is their view of this life?
  4. What is their view of the next life?
You would not think you would have to ask if they believe that what they say is true but if they believe that all truth is relative then they leave themselves no room to be "Right" about heaven:)

We are going to look at question four tonight: "What is their view of the next life". "Upon what do they base their beliefs" and "What is their view of this life" are probably the more important question so this is just part one of a three part study.


Pastor Bryan

Presentation on the next life

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Eminem - Raw and Unedited! (well edited quite a bit actually:)

Recently I asked the kids who their favorite musicians were. Some of the artists were predictable such as Skillet or Toby Mac but I was surprised to find that at least three of the kids present that night consider Eminem to be one of their favorite artists!

So this week we are taking a closer look at Eminem. As I read the blogs and listened to some of the music I was amazed at just how over the top violent and vulgar the music was. I woke up at 2:30am the day I put this presentation together and as I lay there unable to get back to sleep I began to think about the question, "Why is this music so popular today?" I think the reason has a lot to do with people who find life to be so difficult and at times unbearable that they just want to scream or rage against the circumstances of life.

The sad thing is that as a Christian we never need to just scream out or rage against the storms of life. According to Psalm 61 we can cry out to the God of the universe when our heart is overwhelmed! He loves us and He hears us every time we cry out to Him!

Psalms 61:1-4 KJV
Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah.

So here is my disclaimer, I have removed the cuss words and replaced them with stars. I have short clips from four different Eminem songs; "Stan", "Kim", "My Mom", and "Role Model". Some of the content is very violent! And just so we are on the same page here; I do not hate Eminem. I do not hate people who listen to Eminem. But it grieves my heart to think that are people in this world who feel so hopeless.

We need to pray for Eminem! He needs God! He needs a savior! And I know just the God to hook him up with:)

God Bless you all real good this week!

Eminem Presentation

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Repent for the end is near!

According to Harold Camping the Rapture happened on May 21st.

Were you left behind?

Apparently so was Camping and his followers!

To me it is sad to see the rapture of the church dragged through the mud! The idea that God will not pour out His judgement on the church, the Bride of Christ, is a truth taught in the scriptures that is a source of comfort and hope for the church.

In the presentation you will see the world mocking the idea of the rapture. I included that because I think it is part of the downside for Christians when a high profile person claims to hear from the Lord and then wanders off after some false interpretation of scripture. A couple of the clips have footage of Camping answering questions. I wanted people to have heard his own voice making these claims.

If I had to give my opinion of Harold Camping I would say that he sincerely believes what he is teaching, unfortunately, he is sincerely wrong!

God Bless and enjoy the presentation! AS always, if you have questions after going over the materials, feel free to call me:)

Pastor Bryan

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, Cinco de Mayo:)

May 4th - Rob Bell - A wolf in Sheep's clothing?

(Quote one from: Velvet Elvis: Repainting The Christian Faith, p.067,068, quote two from Velvet Elvis, p.065, quote three from Velvet Elvis, p.148)

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV)

Rob Bell is one of today's most popular Christian authors. He particularly directs his ministry toward the youth and the trendy part of society. But with quotes like those above from his book, Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith, I'm not sure many of us would consider him to be a Christian at all!

I have to admit that this has been a difficult week for me. I first began to hear about some of Bell's teachings while on the mission trip to Mexico. One of the kids had been challenged to read one of Bell's books and was reading it on the trip. Then on April 25th I found this waiting for me in the mailbox:

As I read the magazine article I couldn't believe what I was reading. The author of the article, Jon Meacham, made some very good points although he himself does not believe in the inerrancy of the scriptures. I have included one of his points in my PowerPoint presentation which is linked below.

I have included a short 3 min YouTube clip of Bell promoting his new book, Love Wins, so you can here in his own words what the book is about. The second YouTube clip in the presentation is from MSNBC and is an interview with Martin Bashir who does an excellent job keeping Bell honest about his message. The last clip is a presentation of the Gospel that I thought was particularly well done.

As you view this presentation my entire point is: "To reveal the message Rob Bell is promoting from a Biblical viewpoint." I can not say this loudly enough, Rob Bell does not promote a Christian message!

Lady Gaga has a very obvious message and I see her as a "wolf in wolf's clothing". Rob Bell is something else entirely!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 27th - Lady Gaga is sending you a message, did you get it?

Lady Gaga is one of today's most popular musical artists. With an infectious dance beat and bizarre costumes she definitely catches your attention! But her message is a little more veiled.

I don't recommend spending anytime watching her videos as they are very sexually suggestive but I did recently spend enough time to watch 6 or 7 of her videos. "Don't try this at home kids! I'm a trained professional:)"

The sad thing is that after watching her most recent video, "Born that way" several times as I identified the message she is trying to send, I find it hard to get the beat and the lyrics back out of my head! And it's not because I like the music, I'd dump it out in a heart beat if I could but it's too late now:(

I have included in this post a link to the PowerPoint presentation I used when teaching last night. There are two videos in the presentation and they will only open in YouTube so after watching that content you will have to come back to the presentation. The first video is Lady Gaga and it is not the actually music video but it is the actual song with the lyrics on screen like a slide show. The second video is by a young lady named Becca Shea and again it is just the song with words on the screen. Becca Shea's song is very uplifting and has a great message.

I also have included some verses from Romans chapter one and Malachi chapter two but with no comments.

If you would like to talk to me one on one about this topic I would love to meet with you.

Be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little eyes what you see, says the old children's song. Good advice:) I wonder how long it is going to take me to get the "Gaga" out of my head!

God Bless you all real good this week! &:#)>

Here is the link I mentioned! Lady Gaga Presentation