Lady Gaga is one of today's most popular musical artists. With an infectious dance beat and bizarre costumes she definitely catches your attention! But her message is a little more veiled.
I don't recommend spending anytime watching her videos as they are very sexually suggestive but I did recently spend enough time to watch 6 or 7 of her videos. "Don't try this at home kids! I'm a trained professional:)"
The sad thing is that after watching her most recent video, "Born that way" several times as I identified the message she is trying to send, I find it hard to get the beat and the lyrics back out of my head! And it's not because I like the music, I'd dump it out in a heart beat if I could but it's too late now:(
I have included in this post a link to the PowerPoint presentation I used when teaching last night. There are two videos in the presentation and they will only open in YouTube so after watching that content you will have to come back to the presentation. The first video is Lady Gaga and it is not the actually music video but it is the actual song with the lyrics on screen like a slide show. The second video is by a young lady named Becca Shea and again it is just the song with words on the screen. Becca Shea's song is very uplifting and has a great message.
I also have included some verses from Romans chapter one and Malachi chapter two but with no comments.
If you would like to talk to me one on one about this topic I would love to meet with you.
Be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little eyes what you see, says the old children's song. Good advice:) I wonder how long it is going to take me to get the "Gaga" out of my head!
God Bless you all real good this week! &:#)>
Here is the link I mentioned! Lady Gaga Presentation
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